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La7 Piazzapulita Shalom

Corrado Formigli's Investigation into the Conflict Between Israel and Palestine

War and Conflict in the Middle East

Corrado Formigli, an esteemed Italian journalist, presents a documentary-style investigation into the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. The documentary, titled "Guerra e conflitto in Medio Oriente," sheds light on the complex and tumultuous events that have unfolded over the past several months.

Insults, Torture, and Simulated Rape

Formigli's investigation delves into the disturbing allegations of abuse and violence that have emerged from the Shalom Community, a rehabilitation center in Palazzolo sull'Oglio, Italy. Former residents have come forward with accounts of rampant insults, physical torture, and even simulated rape within the facility. These allegations have sparked public outcry and concerns over the well-being of those seeking help for substance abuse.

Exclusive Fanpage Investigation

In collaboration with journalists from the Italian news outlet Fanpage, Formigli goes undercover to uncover the truth behind these accusations. The resulting footage, which will be aired on Formigli's investigative news program Piazzapulita, promises to shed new light on the operations of the Shalom Community and hold those responsible accountable for any wrongdoing.

Father of Former Shalom Resident Speaks Out

Carlo Fucci, the father of a former Shalom resident, shares his personal experience in supporting his son through addiction. Fucci offers a poignant perspective on the challenges faced by families of individuals struggling with substance abuse and the importance of finding reputable and ethical treatment facilities.
